Who We Are

The best urgent care in Sulphur, owned and operated by a board certified emergency physician in a joint venture with most of the family physicians located in Sulphur.

Check In Online (337) 888-3171

Available Clinical Services

Picture of an x-ray taking place Picture of doctor in front of an American flag

At Family Physicians Urgent Care, our staff who see patients are:

  • - Medical Doctors
  • - Specialists such as ENT
  • - Family Nurse Practitioners
  • - Certified Radiologic Technologists at all locations
  • - LPNs

Many of our providers have over 10 years experience, most of which was spent in the ER.

Our X-Ray and a radiologist are always at every location. You will never have to visit another clinic. Labs are also conducted on site for affordable, fast treatment. You can even bring in an order for labs or x-ray at any location at any time.

We're the safest and best place to bring vulnerable cases such as babies, children and seniors for urgent care due to the high level of expertise, training and coordinated care. 80% of most emergency room visits are unnecessary and could be handled within our urgent care locations.

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Outside View Family Physicians Urgent Care

High-Quality Urgent Care Services

We have the best in class, expanded services available from hormone therapy, weight loss, workman's comp, employer drug testing, onsite nurse, physicals, Botox and much more.

As an Air Force Veteran Owned medical practice, we take particular care of military families through accepting Tricare as well as our honored veterans who qualify to receive care through the VA medical system.

As a patient, you can expect a thorough, unrushed exam so we can treat you as a whole person. We offer consistent coordinated care with your primary care or specialist. If you don't have a primary care doctor, we have a primary care clinic to ensure someone is taking care of you all year long.

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Locate One Of Our Clinics Near You.

Many of our providers also work at our Lake Charles Locations.

Family Physicians Urgent Care Building Front

Family Physicians

Urgent Care

301 South Cities Service Hwy
Sulphur, LA 70663

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Family Physicians Urgent Care Building Front

Lake Charles

Urgent Care

1905 Country Club Rd.
Lake Charles, LA 70605

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Lake Charles Urgent Care at Ryan St. Building Front

Ryan St.

Urgent Care

2400 Ryan Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601

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