Family Physicians Urgent Care for Children

Your Baby and Child is Safe Here!

At Family Physicians Urgent Care in Sulphur, you and your child can be comforted knowing that you will receive the best in class urgent care after hours for babies and children with qualified providers including MD, Family Nurse Practitioners, Specialists and Certified Radiologic Technologists at all locations. Our LPN's have the same qualifications you'll find at pediatric offices and the ER.

Babies and children welcome, Ages 3 months and older!

Check In Online (337) 888-3171

Top Healthcare Providers Want Your Child Cared For

Young girl getting her arm positioned for an x-ray

We work alongside your child's primary care provider or pediatrician to make sure your child's charts are sent as well as assistance getting scheduled for a timely follow up. Even Delaying care because of the inability for a baby or young child to be seen for illness or injury can cause conditions to worsen to the point of needing an ER visit.


Our X-Ray and Radiologist are always available when we're open, on site, at every location. You will never have to take your child to multiple locations to receive care. Most fractures and broken bones with babies and children can be treated at Family Physicians Urgent Care, and we'll make sure your primary care or pediatrician is updated.

Onsite Testing

No wait. Get answers, remove concern. Test results will be promptly shared with your child's primary care provider.

80% of Pediatric Cases Can Be Solved at Our Urgent Care

Delaying care because of the inability for a baby or young child to be seen for illness or injury can cause conditions to worsen. You don't have to wait days for your baby or child to be squeezed into a tight schedule. Check in online, message us or walk in to any Family Physicians Urgent Care now.

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Going to the ER Doesn't Guarantee You'll See a Pediatrician

In many cases, long waits, crowded with sick, frustrated people, many parents are shocked that they most likely will not see a pediatrician, even with a broken bone or concerns of RSV, and get stuck with a bill they can't afford even with the 2 year monthly payment plans.

Many pediatricians that work in a hospital are specialists, such as a pediatric urologist, working with children with serious, often long term or life threatening conditions, and do not see regular ER visits.

Our providers have over 10 years experience, many of which was spent in the emergency room.

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Outside View Family Physicians Urgent Care
Nurse listening to a baby's chest X-Ray Services Pediatrics

When to Take Your Child to an ER

When there is a life threatening emergency or severe injury, call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room. Chest sucking when breathing or turning gray, loss of consciousness, uncontrolled bleeding, broken bone that has broken through the skin (compound fracture) are just a few examples.

Should your child, in the exceptionally rare case, have a medical emergency at our clinic, 911 will be called so you and your child can be transferred by an ambulance. We'll also contact your child's primary care to let them know.

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Locate One Of Our Clinics Near You.

Many of our providers also work at our Lake Charles Locations.

Family Physicians Urgent Care Building Front

Family Physicians

Urgent Care

301 South Cities Service Hwy
Sulphur, LA 70663

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Family Physicians Urgent Care Building Front

Lake Charles

Urgent Care

1905 Country Club Rd.
Lake Charles, LA 70605

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Lake Charles Urgent Care at Ryan St. Building Front

Ryan St.

Urgent Care

2400 Ryan Street
Lake Charles, LA 70601

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